

A Delicate Subject: When Is Breast Augmentation in Teens Warranted?

The teenage years are a tumultuous time. Many young women struggle to feel comfortable and confident with their body and its changing appearance. Overly large breasts can complicate these feelings, leaving some teens feeling embarrassed by their appearance and physically in pain under the weight of heavy breasts. 

If your teen is experiencing frustration and discomfort over their breast size, come in for a consultation with Dr. Gerth. Breast reduction surgery isn’t always the right fit for teens, but talking over your options with a plastic surgeon can be helpful. 

Breast reduction for teens is a controversial and delicate topic. Unlike our tummy tuck that is only offered to adults, some teens are good candidates for breast reduction surgery. Our caring team can help you wade through these complex waters effectively.

Breast Reduction Can Improve the Lives of Teen Patients

Should teens get a breast reduction? A recent study found that the procedure offers young patients many benefits. If your teen is a good candidate, this procedure can offer exceptional outcomes and significantly improve how your teen feels about their body. 

  • Young women with large breasts often have a severely reduced quality of life when compared with peers.
  • Complications in teen patients are common, but these are usually minor. The most common complication is a raised or hypertrophic scar. We have options for treating these if they occur. 
  • Breast reduction surgery significantly reduces pain and discomfort.
  • Teen patients report an increase in physical well-being, psychosocial functioning, and self-esteem. 

One of the concerns for early breast reduction is the potential for continued breast growth and the need for future surgery. The study found that only 5% of patients experienced continued breast growth after surgery.

Should I Schedule a Breast Reduction Consultation for My Teen?

Clear communication is the first step toward determining if breast augmentation is right for your teen. Have they mentioned wanting breast augmentation? When you mention surgery, are they interested? If your teen is uncomfortable because of their breast size and interested in learning more about breast reduction surgery, call our office and schedule a consultation with Dr. Gerth. 

Breast reduction surgery may be worth considering if your teen is experiencing:

  • Back or neck pain due to breast size
  • Rashes or skin irritation under and around the breasts
  • Excessive attention or teasing due to breast size
  • Difficulty exercising or participating in physical activities because of large breasts

During the consultation, we’ll talk about options and also assess readiness for surgery. Before we operate on teens, we want to be sure they are ready both physically and emotionally. A detailed consultation is essential for ensuring that this procedure is the right fit. 

Large, heavy breasts are challenging at any age. If you’re struggling under the weight of your breasts or unable to participate in activities you want to enjoy because of your breasts, learn more about this procedure.

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Contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. David Gerth today. Our office is located in Miami Beach, FL and serves patients throughout the state.

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