
Vectra® 3D Imaging

Individuals considering cosmetic surgery have highly specific goals for what they want to change about their appearance. For instance, maybe you have always felt that you’d like a different body shape with implants or other contouring procedures. But how can you not only decide which procedure is right for you but feel completely confident in your choice?

Qualified plastic surgeons offer a catalog of before-and-after photos to demonstrate what they have been able to achieve with procedures such as a breast augmentation or rhinoplasty, but those photos can only go so far toward providing you with an accurate idea of what your procedure of choice will do for you. This is the precise dilemma that the VECTRA® 3D Imaging System, a highly advanced tool, can solve for patients.

Meet Dr. Gerth

Looking to book your procedure in the Miami Beach area? Learn why you should choose a versatile surgeon like Dr. Gerth today!

What Is VECTRA® 3D Imaging?

The VECTRA® device is a cutting-edge in-office tool developed by a company called Canfield Scientific. It uses high-definition photography and the latest imaging technology to create ultra-realistic, three-dimensional models of patients’ bodies. The key advantage of the VECTRA® tool is that it alleviates many of the uncertainties you may have about cosmetic surgery.

Often, patients who want to improve some aspect of their appearance surgically hesitate to undergo a procedure because they worry they won’t be completely satisfied with the outcome. VECTRA® takes pre-surgical consultations to the next level by providing patients with the most realistic possible expectations. It allows everyone to feel fully assured about the outcome of a procedure before they commit to it, eliminating the fear of undesirable or unnatural-looking results.

How Does VECTRA® Work?

By taking photographs with six cameras simultaneously, the VECTRA® system can capture a 180-degree or 360-degree image of the physical features to be altered with surgery. The system also takes highly accurate measurements to generate a 3D virtual model of the breasts or body nearly instantaneously, which Dr. Gerth can manipulate on his computer screen to show you what you would look like from multiple different angles.

You will be able to look at your expected post-procedure outcome alongside your existing appearance to give you the best possible point of comparison. Knowing what to expect before your procedure will provide you with incredible peace of mind; With VECTRA®, you can feel confident that your treatment will help you achieve the look you imagine.

Benefits of VECTRA® 3D Imaging

Dr. David Gerth is set apart from other cosmetic surgeons by his commitment to ensuring ultimate patient satisfaction. He invested in VECTRA® technology because he believes it is the best way to give all his patients an accurate representation of what to expect after their surgery. The VECTRA® system provides Dr. Gerth with an ideal method to manage his patients’ expectations for what their surgery will do to improve their appearance, self-esteem, and overall quality of life.

For example, if you are considering breast augmentation with implants, the VECTRA® software is detailed enough to show you how different sizes, shapes, and materials of implant would look allowing you to virtually “try on” saline and silicone and see how each type would look on your frame. VECTRA® can help you decide how you would like Dr. Gerth to recontour your figure, preserving the harmony and balance of your features. You can also use VECTRA® to help you determine whether to add additional procedures to your treatment plans to achieve your desired results in one surgical session.

With any cosmetic procedure, an honest doctor-patient relationship is essential for creating a foundation of trust and ensuring satisfaction. Dr. Gerth relies on VECTRA® 3D imaging as a crucial step in the patients’ decision-making process, as it creates a shared vision between himself and his patients. VECTRA® enables patients to visualize the exact transformation results they can expect after their surgery. At the same time, it ensures Dr. Gerth clearly understands what you are hoping to improve your appearance.

Another major advantage to the VECTRA® system is that it is detailed enough to detect even the subtlest asymmetries in patients’ bodies. It helps prepare Dr. Gerth by providing him with a surgical guide to follow, allowing for precise results and improved patient gratification.

VECTRA® 3D Imaging in Miami Beach

Whether your goal is to look younger or slimmer, or you would like to achieve a feminine silhouette with a procedure such as a breast augmentation or mommy makeover, cosmetic surgery is a decision that can significantly improve your life. We want you to go into your surgery excited and confident, not worried or hesitant – and that’s why we provide progressive and innovative technological tools.

The VECTRA® 3D system takes the guesswork out of plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures. With the combination of this groundbreaking technology and Dr. Gerth’s extensive training and skills, you can feel assured that what you see is what you will get. Contact our South Florida office to learn more about our VECTRA® equipment and schedule your appointment for a private consultation.

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